Ardor is Moving!
Ardor CrossFit is moving to 354 Wilbraham St in Palmer and adding a 24 hour fitness center. Please come on over and check us out. We are...
Ardor CrossFit is moving to 354 Wilbraham St in Palmer and adding a 24 hour fitness center. Please come on over and check us out. We are...
Good morning, Sorry about not sending an email out this weekend regarding the new rules. I’ve been having some technical problems with...
Bring running shoes and jump rope!
We will be visiting Oakholm brewery on August 29th at 10:30am for our second workout. We had such a great time the first time we want to...
It’s a great way to start your Sunday. Come join us and Coach Corey at CrestView Country Club at 9am. Sign up tonight!
WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 DB FS (50/35) 30 DUs After: 2 amrap burpees Warmup: 30 secs DU 10 stripper squats 10 push-ups 45 sec DUs 10 SS...
Bring your jump rope and a good attitude. You’ll need it!
WOD: 12rds 200m run rds 1-4 strict shoulder press rds 5-8 push presses rds 9-12 push jerks
There are still a couple spots left for class tomorrow. Sign up tonight to reserve your spot!
Another beautiful morning, come and join us for the 5,6,7 or 9am tomorrow!
Classes at 5,6,7,9am 4:30&6pm see you tomorrow
Don’t forget, we are offering 5am classes Monday thru Friday! Sign up today!
Weather is the determining factor! Tune in tomorrow!
WOD posted in the morning! No personal equipment necessary. Strength: Strict presses 4x5 Met Con: on the 2s (95/65) 0:00 21 power cleans...