WOD: 5rds
Choose 1
500m row
400m run
2 minutes jump rope
9 Strict Pull-ups (sub: weighted bent rows or odd object rows)
Choose 1
21 KB Swings
21 Abmat Sit-ups
*choose 1 from the cardio and either the swings or abmat. Then complete 5rds
Ex: 500m row
9 pull-ups
21 kb swings
After: 3 Rds (50/35 DBs)
9 SRDL single leg deads (L)
9 SRDL single leg deads (R)
18 Sumo deads (wide stance)
10 Alt DB curls
Warmup: 3rds
1 minute cardio
10 single leg hip extensions
10 ring rows or bent rows
Mobility: Overhead wall, spidey, plank to down dog (5), add
Zoom at 7am
Derek Casinghino is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Meeting ID: 695 302 4569
Metcon1 5rds 500m row 9 pull-ups 21 KB swings @35 27:33 Metcon2 3 rds 9 dead’s @ 235# 18 SDHP @ 35# KB 9 EZ preacher curls @ 75# 10:09
Wod 2:00 jump rope 9 pullups 21 abmat sit-ups. Didn’t check time🤦🏻♀️ After party Used kettlebell 35#for sumo Finished off with 2 mile run and 1 mile hill walk