warmup: 3rds
10 squats
10 hip extensions
10 explosive hip extensions
push-up to down dog (10)
strength: 3rds
2:00 minutes of deadlifts. (Think lots of reps) good form.if you are using DBs remember, go to mid shin. rest 4 minutes between sets
met con: amrap 15
20 dB or barbell snatches
10 burpees
20 v-ups
10 burpees
*if you don’t have any weights try and find something heavy and pick that up 20 times instead of the snatches. (Ex: backpack with books, pick that up overhead)
if you want a supplementary core workout please message me through the What’s App and I’ll send you the video.
Dead lift - 5x10@235# 15min AMRAP - 3.5 rds with 40#DB snatches