Strength: Tempo Squats (back, goblet)
Tempo: 4down, 2 pause, 1 up
Warmup: 4rds
20 seconds arm circles forwards
20 seconds arm circles backwards
10 squats
3 wall walks (shoes off)
Mobility: chest, dislocates, couch, spidey
Met Con: Death by HSPU (strict, kip or combo)
Minute 1= 1rep
Minute 2= 2reps
*Continue this until you cannot complete the number of reps for the minute your in.
*sub Hand Release Push-ups
*if you don’t get into the 10th rd, accumulate a 3 minute handstand hold Or a Plank.
5000m row 5x8 tempo back squats 135 HSPU 10 rds
Single leg dead’s- 5x10@135, 5ea leg Death HSPU- Failed in round 16 Kipping 50 sit-ups for time 1:24