Saturday Fun!
5x3 amrap (95/65)
3 Cleans (your choice)(power or squat)
6 Thrusters (no choice)
9 Push Presses
1 minute rest between rds
After: 3rds
20 Hip Thrusts
20 Bicycles
2 minute plank
Warmup: 4rds
20 jumping jacks
15 squats
10 knee to elbows
5 push-ups
Mobility: chest, overhead wall, dislocates, couch
zoom at 8
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My prediction was right: not fun. 2 rds every time & I had to drop the weight twice😬
Great job this morning. It was a tough one! Almost had to cancel the after party! 1- 3rds 2-3rds 3-2rds+6reps 4-2rds+9reps 5-2rds+6reps
Zoomed this one 1- 2rds + 9rep 2- 2rds 3- 2rds 4- 1rd + 9rep😩 5- 2rds + 3rep
Yeah I’m gonna have to disagree there. The 5 x 3 Amrap does not look fun. But I’m gonna put my big girl pants on and set my alarm and I will see you at eight.