WOD: Nancy
400m run
15 Overhead Squats (95/65)
*if you don’t have a barbell do goblet squats as heavy as you can. (Kettle bell or DB)
After: 30 negative HSPU
*kick up into handstand position on the wall and slowly let yourself down
Warmup: 3rds
200m run
10 spideys (5per)
10 pvc overhead squats
10 dislocates
Mobility: couch, overhead wall, 10 plank to down dog
Prep: overhead squat
Zoom at 7am
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Meeting ID: 695
Nancy at 47lb 18-20 minutes? Then 3rds 1 min HS hold 20 weighted lunges
Strength: OHS 5@75,95,115,135,155 3@165,175, Met Con: Karen (150 wall balls) 6:06
✅ 20#( I like oh squats)🤦🏻♀️ 18:02 Did 10 wall walks 30 sec hold Added some abwork
Nancy@65# Light weight, felt good. 17:35 30 Strict HSPU FT 16/6/4/4 2:12