WOD: 2rds
200m run
21 thrusters and burpees
400m run
15 thrusters and burpees
800m run
9 thrusters and burpees
Thrusters: (95/65) every time you put the bar down you need to do a 400m run. Use DBs or odd object for thrusters.
After: 50 burpee box jumps or burpee step ups if you don’t have a box.
Warmup: 3rds
200m run
5 front squats (barbell or light DBs)
10 push ups
Mobility: chest, overhead wall, couch, wrist
zoom at 8am.
Derek Casinghino is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Meeting ID: 695 302 4569
28:55 with 95lbs and Rowing. After: 50 burpee box jumps 2x12 butterfly pull-ups 3 muscle-ups