Flight gone crazy!
Strength: 5x15 floor presses
5x20 bicycle abs
5x 20 sec hollow hold
Met Con: FT
5-10-15-20-25-30-35-40-45-50-45-40-35-30-25-20-15-10-5 Double Unders
After each rd complete
10 push-ups
5 squat jumps
*each rd must be unbroken to move on
*30 min cap
Warmup: 3rds
100 singles
10 k2e
10 abmat
Mobility: chest, child, pigeon, front rack
I threw my rope away!
22:14 broke in my 1st rds of 15 and 20 then unbroken the rest of the way!
Yes, sub single unders
Strength- 5x15@47 DB Bench with the core work. Flight Simulator 10-pushups 5- wall balls @ 18# 33:27 Failed at 35 and 45 on the way up. Failed at 35,25,20 on the way back. I think it’s now the condition of the rope then anything else.
Can we do SU?