Floor Presses or Bench Presses:
Floor presses or bench presses 5x20
Kb swings or death wheels 5x10
Met Con: 10 Rds
15 push-ups
10 knees to elbow (floor/per side)
20 abmat sit-ups
Warmup: 3rds
1 min cardio
5 walkout push-ups
10 squat jumps
30 second plank
Mobility: chest, oh wall, couch, tricep stretch
Finisher: 100 bicep curls
Alternating Strength- Bench 5x10 10-165# 10-175 10-185 9/1-185 7/2/1-185 Pull-ups weighted 5-26# 5-26 5-29 5-29 5-31 Metcon 10rds 10 ring pushups 7 toes to bar 20 abmat s 24:48