On the minute (until you complete 100 reps of thrusters). 5 burpees
max rep thrusters 61/38 kg (135/85 lbs). If you don’t have a barbell use DBs or KBs.
Start with 5 burpees and continue (for the rest of the minute) with maximum reps of thrusters. On the next minute start over again with five burpees and keep the following “on the minute” pace until you complete 100 thrusters.
warmup: 5 minutes cardio (rowing, running, jump rope, jumping jacks, etc...)
mobility: couch, wrist, add, pigeon
thruster prep:
3 power cleans
3 front squats
3 push presses
3 thrusters
Scaling options: 1.Cut reps in half 50 thrusters 2.Do 2-3 burpees every minute on the minute 3.Lower the thruster weight
Ok- I was pretty noncommittal myself- feel better
Bailing on this one, left shoulder been hurting all week, swapped out the pushups yesterday
Damn you, it was 100 thrusters last Saturday ! And then adding insult to injury with the burpees 🤣🤣🤣