Back Squat 5x10
Met Con
3 Rounds
30 Russian twists with weight
20 Dumbbell Front Squats (50/35 lbs)
*sub for HSPU is hand release push-ups
*if you don’t have DBs use the bar or kb for your front squats.
Warmup:4 rds
30 sec cardio
10 squats
10 Abmat
2 wall walks or 5 push-ups
Mobility: chest, couch, dislocates, add
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Did a two mile run 1.5 walk. 36 min
Afternoon cardio 5000m 18:56
Back squats Hoping to get to 118, lower back said be happy with 108😊 Twists 8 lb ball 20lb DBs for squats HSPU (modified with mats) 12ish minutes??
Back Squats from the floor. 135,155,165,175,185 Met Con: 9:45 20lb med ball 50 lb DBs HSPU
Back squats 5x10. 40 lb bag of pellets. 😂 Metcon 6:00 min Twists 10lb Front squat 35kb 10hr push ups x3rd